Katheley’s is reintroducing its original concept launched in 2010, the auctions’ sales.
Only a few pieces will be on sale every week, so don’t miss them!
Katheley’s is the best online website to buy jewelry and designer bags with a guarantee of quality, authenticity and condition. You will find at auction only collectables or trendy jewels and bags starting at an attractive price.
The buy now sales are also always available and don’t hesitate to contact me for personal shopper service. I will be happy to find you the right piece you are dreaming to have or that you are simply looking for to complete a special look.
Check out the future auctions and live auctions, brands such as Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Céline, YSL, Dior, Robert Goossens, Christian Lacroix but also artists pieces of Jean Cocteau, Line Vautrin…
Auctions on Katheley’s: the auctions are available for private and professionnals. Do you have something you would like to sell on Katheley’s, please fill in the following form.
You need any assistance? I’m at your disposal, phone: +32(0)487.378.995 or If you can’t be online during the auctions, you can fill in a request to bid.
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