Line Vautrin (1913-1997), The poetry, humour and inspiration of Line Vautrin are undeniable. Her career began in 1937 when she took a small stand at the Universal exhibition in Paris to present her jewels. Mirros and Jewels of Line Vautrin are worldwide making incredible prices at auctions.
According to Line Vautrin, when you touched a piece, it has to give also satisfaction to the finger, it must not hit; the hand must judge as much as the eye.
In 1992, Line Vautrin was elevated to the rank of Knight of Arts and Letters by Jack Lang, then Minister of Culture. She died suddenly of cardiac arrest on April 12, 1997. The Decorative Arts Museum had just offer her an exhibition which will took place two years later, in March 1999. This queen of playful “little things” and refinement, always tinged with fantasy, has shown her powerful desire throughout her life. to always invent, discover and innovate.
Shop on Katheley’s an exclusive selection of Line Vautrin jewels in bronze and talosel. Are you a Line Vautrin collector? Just let me know and I will inform you when I have new pieces of Line Vautrin are coming in :)!