Willing to invest in luxury bags?

After 15 years of experience and as official expert at the CNES Paris,  I’m now offering a luxury bags’ Investment service.

My service is including :

  • 5 advices per month and one certificate of expertise.

My advices are given considering the model, the price, the condition and of course the authenticity based on pictures provided.

Price : Monthly fee of 600€ (Incl. VAT, 21%). It is possible to provide a consulting Invoice available on request.

In this price, I’m not sourcing the bags. If you find a bag you are willing to buy, you can ask me up to 5 times per month my advice about the bag. One certificate of expertise is including in this price.

It’s a monthly recurring fees. You can stop the subscription every month. Up to 3 days before the next monthly subscription.

Pictures to provide : Before sending pictures, kindly request picture examples with instructions before sending pictures.

Extra services :

Extra advice per month will be charged before giving my opinion, 100€.

Extra certificate of expertise can be delivered at this :

  • 150€ for classic leather
  • 300€ for exotic leather and special edition

Pick-up of your bags abroad with authentification:

  • All travel expenses at your charge (business flight, hôtels, restaurant…)
  • + 650€ per day of travel

Important Note : My number of customers is limited. If you register for a susbscrition plan, a call will be planned and the subscription will be validated after the call.

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